Swedes challenge Amazon Web Services – with environmental efforts in data centers


Basically, every application on every phone and every application on every computer is in some way connected to a server or datacenter of any type. Without this infrastructure, the entire mobile community would collapse. Ecodatacenter Sweden is one of the companies that invest in the construction of this infrastructure. Today, reports from the industry indicate that the company has received a new large owner very heavy. The real estate company Areim has received 200 million SEK in a new issue intended to help the company to develop – and that does not stop there.

"We have a large capacity and are willing to invest more than SEK billions to enable Ecodatacenter to grow," said Leif Andersson, founder of Areim, Di.

It has already been reported on Amazon Web Services in Sweden. Among other things, the company is currently building three large data centers in Mälardalen. With new capital, Ecodatacenter could become a more sustainable power factor in the server industry. With 100% renewable energy produced by Falun in Dalarna and heat recovery from servers, Ecodatacenter claims to have created the world's first climate-friendly data center.

"The goal is high – hopefully we will have a good chance of winning a billion crowns a year in the next five years," said Lars Schedin, CEO of Ecodatacenter, Di.

Although data centers are undoubtedly necessary, it is not without problems. Just last week, Vattenfall was alarmed by the fact that the data center of Amazon in Mälardalen was cutting electricity.

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