Swedish Mercedes has been clubbed for millions


It became bingo for the General Heritage Fund when two classic Mercedes were auctioned in France. The cars of a dead Swedish club have soared for a total of 3.6 million euros, or nearly 37 million.

A Mercedes-Benz of the same type, the 300 SL Roadster, which was sold at record prices at Le Mans. The picture comes from Techno Classica in Essen this spring Image: Roland Weihrauch

The oldest, a 300 SL "Måsvinge" from 1956, went well for 850,000 euros, a little under the bar 1-1 5 million according to the list of objects of the Artcurial sales company
But the more interest of the young 300 SL Roadster was only 1 380 kilometers since its inception in 1963. The highest bid has reached 2.71 million euros, such a car, reports SR Ekot.

The call for bids may have benefited from the money for charitable purposes, as it is the General Fund of Swedish Heritage, which sells.

– But the applause thundered when the price became clear. Ulf Rehnberg, director of the Chamber of Commerce, which was in place at the auction at Le Mans, told Ekot that the Roadstern is in new condition, with pedals that seem totally intact and red leather seats without the less sign. signs of wear. The sole owner, a dentist in Stockholm, died in 2011, bought it in the summer of 1963, and then used it a few times before stopping it in the early 1970s. 19659009] The fund could sell cars after long years of inheritance included in the SVT Court of Justice program.

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