Tasks: EQT plans to list


The venture capital company EQT considering the a list of actions according to sources at Reuters. According to the press agency, the investment bank has been invited to meetings for a possible listing after a strategic review of the company.

According to Reuters, the meetings will take place next week. You have been in contact with the EQT press officer, Jessica Ölvestad, who said the company refrained from commenting.

Listed venture capital firms are relatively unusual in Europe but more common in the United States, including the Blackstone Group, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. A benefit of listing, however, lies in the fact that new opportunities for raising capital are open.

In a statement in In September, Thomas von Koch, CEO of the company, founder of the company in 1994, announced the establishment of a review process to strengthen the balance sheet of EQT.

"We need a stronger balance sheet to support EQT's continued global growth and allow us to withstand the worst of times," he wrote.

Already in contact With this statement, the Bloomberg news agency said that a list was among the options to consider. Next, the Bloomberg source said that any decision would probably not be made until the second half of next year.

Storägaren Investor, which owns 19% of the company, welcomed the message. However, Magnus Dalhammare, the boss of Ir, did not want to comment on the investor on a possible list of EQTs.

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