Tasks: Tesla Model 3 customers are tired of waiting – 24% are leaving


Production increases – but a new problem arises for the electric car manufacturer

Tesla has managed to increase the production of the new Model 3 car – but another problem arises in this regard. CNN Money writes, "More and more customers are tired of waiting for their model 3 cars and therefore withdrawing their orders. As the site says, Needham & Co currently exceeds the Model 3 Model Prepaid refunds, as claimed by Tesla

. The analysis indicates reasons such as waiting times on the car, a $ 7,500 tax deduction expires at the beginning of the year.

Almost one of the four orders on the model 3, 24 percent, was removed according to Needham & Co.

Read more: Expert judgment: Tesla Model 3 holds do not have to – Here are the biggest gaps

To reserve a copy of the car, customers must place a first deposit of $ 1,000, then another $ 2.50 0 to choose the version you want. The rest is paid when the car is delivered

The wait time of a model 3 is now between four months and a year, while car buyers in the basic version can wait until 2020.

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