Technology Harvester in Nya Karolinska – in the midst of surgery


In June, DN was able to report that a 52-year-old heart patient was seriously injured while being treated at New Karolinska in Stockholm.

Her heart stopped fighting exactly when the computer system broke down last November, which meant that the cardiac arrest was not detected in time. The map of three children died in early December

. New information on the possession of technology to the scandal of the bombed hospital is now coming.

New route on Nya Karolinska

On June 12 of this year, the displays disappeared in the middle of a titthal operation. As a result, the surgeon was unable to see the knife for 20 minutes, reports TV4.

READ MORE: Filippa Reinfeldt Back of New Karolinska

In a letter written by the chain, the surgeon hit the direction they have been reporting since several years that the operating environment is not safe and will not work.

" The risk is that the patient dies" writes the surgeon in the letter.

Enables Technology Problems

Svante Nordlander, responsible for the children and women theme in Karolinska, admits that the hospital has had problems with technical solutions in new operating rooms.

– Once the surgery has started and you are in the patient's abdomen, you want to see their tools, he says, Nordlander told TV4.

READ MORE: Mejl reveals alarm to Karolinska management: "Patients will die"

Several doctors anonymously testify to the chain of 39, a silent culture that dares not signal a lack of hospital. From a union point of view, you blame an organization unclear.

– We do not know who owns the problem and we do not know who to talk with to solve the problem, says Yvonne Dellmark, president of the Karolinska Medical Association, at TV4

Expressen has applied for Karolinska University Hospital.

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