That's why the Facebook – DN.SE action course is raging


Why has Facebook's share price declined?

– Facebook, for example, highlights the slowdown in growth and the introduction of GDPR in Europe. But, really, Facebook is a huge shareholder. The companies FAANG (note of DN: financial hassle for Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) are very appreciated, very high. And it will be harder to defend the values ​​for every published quarterly report.

– Facebook's report is not bad but it did not meet expectations.

What does this mean for Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of the company?

– That does not mean much to him, his interest is enough to continue to run the business in the best way possible. But there will be some pressure today, with conference calls from analysts and shareholders.

Can this have scattered effects?

– Yes, there is a risk of proliferation, but in my opinion it is limited to the big national technological giants of the United States. But I do not think it's a bubble bursting.

See also: Followed lesson for Facebook

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