The agreement links the county to a limited vaccine – Infection


It's because of agreements with manufacturers that the county council is forced to continue with the trivalent vaccine this fall, P4 Värmland says.

The four-valued vaccine protects against both influenza B, Yamagata and Victoria. However, the trivalent includes only one type of line. This is an assessment of the type of line that will dominate in the season, which determines what is included in the trivalent vaccine.

However, although the forecast is incorrect, it should not lead to a widespread spread of influenza to the county council with the trivalent vaccine, "says Mia Brytting, unit chief at the Unit. Public Health Agency Laboratory Virus and Vaccine Monitoring System

– There is cross-protection between the influenza B line types. So we find that even though it was the wrong type of line that appeared in the influenza season last year, the effect of vaccine protection was still moderate, she said to Dagens Medicin.

The protective effect is rated good, moderate or bad. infection

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