The agreement was reached: Telia buys Bonnier Broadcasting


is updated. "With Telia as the owner, even better conditions are created," says Casten Almqvist, managing director of TV4 and Bonnier Broadcasting

who today announced the acquisition of Bonnier Broadcasting – and its activities in TV4, C More and Finnish MTV –

Bonnier Broadcast sales amounted to 7497 million SEK last year, with a result of 423 million euros (EBITA).

With the acquisition, Telia has formed a new business area in which Bonnier Broadcasting will be included. The intention of Telia is that the current CEO of Bonnier Broadcasting, Casten Almqvist, be the chairman of the new business area.

Commenting Casten Almqvist The Case:

– This Agreement Further Strengthens Bonnier Broadcasting's Existing Strategy, and It makes sense when we look at changes in a media market global and highly competitive. With Telia as our owner, we are creating even better conditions for our commitment to high quality Swedish content, from news and sports to drama and entertainment. With Telia's position in technology and distribution, we are getting new opportunities to reach our programs and services with large user groups in Sweden and Finland

The price reaches 9200 million with a price of 39, potential purchase up to 1000 million SEK. The possible situation is based on the future development of revenues and EBITA.

The agreement must be reviewed by the Competition Authority before being approved and Bonnier will issue a press release to be completed in the second half of 2019.

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