The barbecue can be totally forbidden – News


Östergötland's board of directors decided to ban fires in Östergötland on May 23, but the ban was extended.

Lisbeth Gustavsson, Civil Security Advisor to the county's board of directors, said that a meeting will be held Tuesday. . Representatives of county councils, emergency services, the Östergötland Region and the armed forces attended the meeting.

– The question of a prolonged ban on fires must be discussed. It's the County Administrative Board that makes the decisions, but of course we listen to what other players, especially the emergency service, said, said Lisbeth Gustavsson earlier in the day

Can barbecues be completely banned in the county? 19659004] – Yes, that's what will be discussed. If there is a prolonged fire ban, it will not be allowed to grill on their own parcel or on prepared barbecue areas, "says Lisbeth Gustavsson

Several other counties, including Kalmar County, have already introduced a total ban on fire. Lisbeth Gustavsson states:

The county's board of directors issued a public announcement of a total ban on gunfire on Tuesday evening

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