"The Bitcoin bloodbath is similar to the dotcom crash" | Realtid.se


The meteoric rise of Bitcoin at the end of last year was called by many for the greatest speculator in history, writes Bloomberg. The next crash in early 2018 cemented the rise of the most important bubble book, according to the newspaper.

"The BitCon bloodbath is similar to the dotcom crash," says Bloomberg. As a result, the Bitcoin case is approaching the magnitude of the brutal raid during the year 2000, when the Nasdaq Stock Exchange broke 78 percent in a short time.



Bloomberg however adds that Bitcoin, after the major cases, previously strongly rushed. But the newspaper is not as safe as it is this time. Bloomberg writes, "Many institutional investors have been identified as potential buyers of Bitcoin, but the regulatory and security aspects have won most of the market. those to wait, according to Bloomberg.

Crypto currency continued to fall Friday by 4.2 percent to $ 5,791, which is the lowest level since November last year. He recovered Saturday with 8.6% and was traded for $ 6,397. On Monday, it was virtually unchanged at $ 6,397

However, Bitcoin is still down 55% from December 2017. It has also been facing serious incidents with two hacker attacks against a southern trading platform -coréenne. platform in Japan

– Bitcoin is not going to fall to zero, but it's still a lot of a bubble, said Robert Shiller, 2013 Nobel Prize winner at Bloomberg on Tuesday.

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