We sweat in the heat, but the sweat is too salty. Still, we did not really win the body during the heatwave, and many have problems with liquid and salt balance, according to the researchers.

Perhaps a solar source, like old Queen Victoria, was wearing her wedding gear in the 19th century?
Elisabet Lindgren, doctor and professor of sustainable development science, studies how we feel about the climate for 20 years
– When the heat wave behaves well, a slow adaptation of our physiology takes place . Those who are young and healthy are doing well, but people with circulatory problems, heart and lung problems, and the elderly are managing the worst. They can have acute problems, strokes or heart attacks, and mortality increases. "
2003 studies on heatwaves in Europe, and increased mortality rates are observed after two or three days," she says, "especially if nighttime temperatures are also high." She is sure we can see that even after this heat wave
– Yes, we will also see more acute patients and people with serious discomfort
But for healthy people, the body is able to get used to it. Our body just needs time to repent, says she.
– It takes two weeks At the beginning of a heat wave, we tend to get worse because the sweat we sweat is In hot countries, people have changed themselves, so they do not get rid of the same salt.
It's important to drink a lot.
– The body needs water and salt, just like in sports drinks when you're exercising. [196] 59005] But it is important to try to stay cool, at least for part of the day. And preferably when we go to sleep.
– A fan or solar fan does not cool the air, but it cools the body when the air reaches the wet body. One should also have fine and airy clothes. It is important to start early with a heat wave.
– Cooling up for part of the day calms the entire system and reduces risk. The danger is that it is hot all the time.
Those who work and adhere to air-conditioned workplaces are of course an advantage. The best thing about the elderly and the sick has been to bathe for a while to reduce the temperature.
– One should try to be in the coolest part of the house or in a garage.
He who lives in a big city is often as bad in the heat as he who lives in the country. The apartments are small and can not be crossed, air pollution also aggravates the problem for those at risk of falling ill.
– On the continent, we can see that the big cities, with their skyscrapers in the middle, become warmer than the others
But it is also necessary not to expose to heat unnecessarily. We are not really used here, where we strive to make our homes as resilient as possible in the winter.
– In hot countries, people are not out during the hectic hours of the day, though they do not have to. They have fans and air conditioning on the inside. Our Swedish houses are not built for heat, many buildings heat even the heat.
Someone may also wonder if we are going to be warm, become more emotional and maybe even go crazy. But Elisabet Lindgren does not believe that with a warm temperament combined with the heat.
– I think it's more individualized with temperament. However, an early sign of heat stroke may be that you become easily irritated. You may also have a headache, difficulty concentrating or feeling tired.
The heat wave we are seeing now can not be directly related to climate change, she says. But we will see more weather phenomena like this when the climate changes.
– The first thing that happens when the climate changes, is that we have extreme weather conditions, "says Elisabet Lindgren
19659028] Try to cool off during the day
Fans , sunbathing, baths or showers, and maybe a wet towel on the neck can help you
Drink a lot, the body needs water and salt.
Source: Elisabet Lindgren