The crown was strengthened following the announcement of Skingsley's interest rate


The crown increased reinforcement that began after The announcement of the interest rate of the Riksbank Tuesday. At the close of the Wednesday interest rate market, the krona was noted at 8:79 against the dollar and at 10:24 against the euro, another 6 to 7 øre of strengthening. Measured in the TCW index, the crown rose to 138.22, from 139.11 on Tuesday

The gain in crowns came after Cecilia Skingsley in Almedalen said the Riksbank could raise the key rate in October.

"October can be considered the end of the year … October / December is in line with what we have planned," she said.

Nomura writes in an analysis that there seems to be a broad consensus within the Executive Council. this year. "The investment bank sees opportunities for continued strengthening in the coming weeks.

In addition, the index of purchasing managers for the Swedish services sector has shown an unexpected rise of 59.8 in June, up from 57.0 in May. According to the forecast by SME Direkt, analysts were expecting an increase of 58.3 in June Silf / Swedbank wrote in a comment that a three-month moving average for June was noted at 59.0, or 0.3 index units more than in May. Delindex delivery times for suppliers increased by 5.6 index units and contributed the most to the increase, as they provided 1.1 index units for PMI services, "Silf said. / Swedbank too

Swedish interest rates rose 2 to 5 points on Wednesday as the 10-year rate rose 3 points to 0.52%. Decennial German was at one point at the same time

The composite index of the euro area for industry and services (composite) was adjusted to 54.9 in June, against 54.1 in May. The service index was adjusted to 55.2 (55.0 provisionally) against 53.8 in May.

Moving index compiled Markit economist Chris Williamson noted that the eurozone revived growth in June. The results of the PMI index in the second quarter indicate a GDP growth of just over 0.5%

"The rise in the economic growth rate and a new price differential are comforting the ECB in his idea that stimulants should be reduced this year, "he noted.

The euro was noted around 1: 1650 against the dollar on Wednesday afternoon after earlier in the day against line 1: 17. The third German government party, the SPD, on Wednesday condemned the 39, migration agreement of the Christian Democratic Party. "The so-called agreement between the CDU and the CSU raises more questions than answers," said Katarina Barley, Social Democrat Minister. She added that the agreement on controls at the German border would not be in line with European law.

The recent trend with positive buying headquarters in the UK has continued. After a higher industrial PMI this morning, the service PMI also exceeded expectations on Wednesday. In June, the services index was noted above the 55 level for the first time in 2018. The pound has strengthened somewhat as British interest rates have risen 3 -4 points. Markit economist, Chris Williamson, pointed out that the result of the service PMI was another sign of "the recovery of the British economy in the second quarter". This opens the door for a rise in Bank of England interest rates at the August meeting, he continued.

The yuan traded around 6:64 against the dollar after peaking at 6:70 am Tuesday for the first time in nearly a year. The country's central bank, the PBOC, was about to calm down comments on Tuesday and the Financial Times on Wednesday said the PBOC had intervened to stabilize the market.

"The PBOC created the brake yesterday afternoon and at least at present, the use of state-owned banks selling dollars gives some peace to the regional markets, "wrote Oanda Trader Stephen Innes in a market letter published by Bloomberg News

.The market was waiting for the country's employment statistics at the end of the week, as well as the fact that the customs between China and the United States will be executed for the weekend.

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