The employment report gave air under the wings


The US Jobs Report for June contributed to the positive stock market climate. The report showed that stable wage increases indicate inflation that supports the Federal Reserve's interest rate target for 2018, Reuters wrote.

The Dow Jones Industrial Index closed 0.4% to 24,451. The S & P500 rose 0.9% to 2,760 while the Nasdaq-oriented technology rose 1.3% to 7,688.

All sectors were strengthened with a 1.4% increase in health care. Grocery products recorded the worst results with + 0.3%

On the corporate front, pharmaceutical company Biogen was the big winner on the stock market. The Alzheimer's medicine of the company has shown positive results in a comprehensive clinical study. The Walgreens pharmacy chain, which grew 2.7% Thursday after the news of a 40% full acquisition of its Chinese counterpart Guo Da, continued to grow 1.5% on Friday

. Apple raised Loop Capital's $ 210 $ 210 target price in conjunction with a purchase recommendation. The German newspaper Wirtschaftswoche writes that JP Morgan and the Chinese Industrial and Commercial Bank of China have expressed interest in German Deutsche Bank during the course. However, a JP Morgan spokesperson responded that they denied the article. The JP Morgan stock rose 0.3%

. The US Jobs Report for the month of June put the spotlight on Friday's macroeconomic front, indicating an increase in non-farm employment of 213,000 people. Analysts had calculated an increase of 195,000 people. Average hourly wages also rose 0.2% in June, compared with an expected rise of 0.3%

Interest rates on 10-year US government bonds fell 1 point to 2%, 82%.

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