The end of the Jojo card: Skånetrafiken changes ticket system


Skånetrafiken moves ticketing systems to a more digital system. Next year, Jojo cards will be invalid and replaced by more modern tickets.

Skånetrafiken introduces a new ticket system. The agreement for the old ticket system with Jojo cards expires in December 2019, but the new has been used by the Skånetrafikens app since March of this year.

With the new app, you can buy 24-hour and 30-day tickets.

– It is easy to travel and buy a ticket easily. We notice that many of our travelers think it's easy to have the ticket on their mobile, it's like having their own device in their pocket, says Camilla Bunke, Sales Manager at Skånetrafiken.

The option of traveling by card will remain. At the present time, work is underway to purchase new ATMs, bus sales and customer service centers. It should be finished next year. Then the new equipment will begin to be installed and a new card will also be available to replace the Jojo card

In the future, debit card notes will also be available.

– It will still be Jojo cards will be used until the closing of the new ticket system in December 2019. If money is left on the card, they can be transferred to the new system. 19659009] [ad_2]
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