The Eurogroup closes behind the Commission against the Italian Government


Italy looks like to continue on the collision course with the rest of the l & # 39; EU. Finance ministers from other eurozone countries attending the Monday's Eurogroup meeting have called for unnecessary calls to follow the European Commission's call and present a new budget proposal next week.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said that budget fraud could jeopardize the euro, while Mario Centeno, president of the euro group and Portugal's finance minister, said he hoped that the Italian Government would revise the proposal.

This message was repeated during the press conference after the meeting.

"Ministers support the Commission in all its conclusions, encouraging Italy to cooperate closely with it," said Mario Centeneo last Monday at a press conference with the Commissioner for the Economy, Pierre Moscovici, and Klaus Regling, head of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

He confirmed that An extraordinary meeting of the Eurogroup will take place on 19 November, but said that the Eurogroup would focus on issues other than those of Italy. Two days later, the European Commission will once again vote on Italy's budget proposal.

EU Commissioner Pierre Moscovici praised the support of other eurozone countries and stressed that the budget did not concern democratically elected leaders and an "obscure and faceless bureaucracy" of the other. He said the European Commission was ready to engage with the Italian government until next Tuesday, when a new draft budget will be presented.

"The ball is now in the plane of Italy," said Pierre Moscovici.

Italian Finance Minister Giovanni Tria refused to leave comments on his way to the meeting. However, in an interview published Sunday by the British Financial Times, the leader of the Five-Star Movement party, Luigi Di Maio, showed no sign of support.

"If the recipe works here, we will say at European level: we should use the recipe of Italy for all other countries," Luigi Di Maio told the newspaper.

Last Tuesday Every week, Italy has to submit a new draft budget. If the Italian government continues to persevere, it could lead the EU Commission to punish for the first time a Member State punishing a violation of the EU Regulation.

The European Commission is now considering making decisions to punish Italy next week, according to several sources of politico politics. By focusing on the country's large sovereign debt rather than the government's proposed budget deficit for 2019, the process can begin earlier.

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