The focus on employees has given growth to Drakryggen



Finding the "post-it" that joins the team is the holy grail of consulting companies. Drakryggen is responsible for the task by focusing on the individual.

"We have held several supervisory positions in large companies and found that qualified people were more or less treated as resources," said co-founder Richard Kappling.

The consultancy firm Drakryggen sees itself as an unchanged winner of Gasell. The strategy has evolved slowly, but a solid establishment and a good reputation among Linköping's large companies have nevertheless stimulated growth.

Founders Richard Kappling and Pontus Invers met when they both took on leadership roles at Ericsson. Already there, ideas began to develop.

"We both have held several supervisory positions in large companies and found how qualified people were treated more or less as resources. Competent employees who struggle to find a balance in their lives and be difficult to drive before they no longer work in a world with a wide variety of economic backgrounds, "said Richard Kappling.

Drakryggen's engine is humanism rather than economics. The fact that the model has still created a good business confers a strong competence and experience to the employees. Each employee consultant brings his own brand and his own profile.

They fill more than an empty chair outside the client. A supply of skills rather than resources. In order for the Drakryggen and the consultant to be up to the task, then between the consultant and the client, values ​​and ambitions must be perfectly adapted.

"Our task is to eliminate noise and provide air to employees.It is still a bit like a startup and looking for the business spirit, even with those that we employ.If we find someone who is passionate about his field of technology and at the same time wants to develop the Drakryggen, it's a match, "says Richard Kappling.

Drakryggen has Today, about fifteen consultants work at the workplaces around Linköping. Missions vary, but they share multicomplex project activities in global high-tech companies. Most consultants having a strong resume behind them, the assignments usually involve some form of project management. Creating a sense of belonging while employees are spread across multiple workplaces is a major challenge.

"This is the holy grail of consulting companies, how can we create the sticky that sticks?" Scratched, it's a matter of survival, but we also think that if we can offer something bigger than one plus one becomes two, then we can grow and grow. So more people will want to work with us, "says Pontus Invers.

A way of Creating the sticker is giving employees the opportunity to develop and acquire new skills, based on their own interests and without the need for direct financial gain. In the small office of the Linköping Technical District, in Mjärdevi, there is a laboratory corner where employees want to come to build and develop their own projects. Currently, an analog synthesizer is under construction.

"We do not have the ambition to build a better synth than those who build syntheses in a professional manner, or a better sensor system or anything else." It's not about what it's all about, it's about giving employees a space for development in areas they're interested in, "says Pontus Invers.

For Richard Kapp Ling and Pontus Invers meant that Drakryggen had to leave a secure job and good wages behind him. The uncertainty surrounding the concept would work if the good consultant wanted to work for the company and if the consultant was in turn matched with the right customer. At first, it was great.

"It took several years to feel the knife in my throat, but it was not enough to want to create his own.We had that gnawing feeling of wanting something more in life.It was a big and scary change in a comfortable and well-paid job, but letting go has given incredible energy, "said Richard Kappling.

Giving something more, creating value with humanistic ideas goes beyond employee thinking and responsibility to the customer. In addition to matching the consultants with the appropriate workplace, it was initially considered how a business activity could contribute to something more, for a broader purpose. Drakryggen is currently studying the possibility of promoting a better climate on the basis of the global climate goal number 14, "Sea and Marine Resources".

"We can not understands the environmental problem from a biologist's point of view, but we can use technology, have big ears, and know if we can contribute anything to anything. It may be part of integrating the goal into our mission, but I also see the opportunity to develop standalone products or services, "says Richard Kappling.

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