The former CEO of Impact Coatings is kicked out |


A continuous report from PWC, commissioned by the Impact Coatings Board, indicates that Henrik Ljungcrantz has violated multi-year expense reimbursement rules. The Board will provide the CEO with the final investigation report, due in September 2018, and will call a special general meeting to replace the company's auditor.

Independent Accounting Review of the period from January 2016 to June 2018, commissioned by PWC on behalf of the Impact Coatings Board concluded that a substantial portion of the costs of reimbursement of travel expenses and personal expenses former CEO Henrik Ljungcrantz are not operational and / or do not have the necessary supporting documents.

After meeting Henrik Ljungcrantz today, the Council decided to dismiss him with immediate effect. The board of directors will submit to the CEO the final report of the investigation, including supporting documents. According to the press release.



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