The giant store is ready: Telia buys the entirety of Bonnier Broadcasting


Abstract might already reveal in late May that Telia had finalized Bonnier Broadcasting's acquisition of Bonnier's television business in the Nordic region. The agreement was then deemed to be worth about 10 to 12 billion Swedish kroner.

Now it is clear that the giant store is over and Telia buys the chains Finnish TV4, CMore and MTV3. This makes the state, which is the main owner of Telia with a share of 37.3%, the largest telecom media.

However, today's activity seems different from what was previously planned by the hand and means that Bonnier does not keep any checkpoints in the context of the acquisition by Telia
of all the television activity of Bonnier. He circulated data that Bonnier would like to keep 10-20% of its TV business. However, Telia buys 100% of Bonnier Broadcasting. The price tag will also be a little weaker than compared to previous data, which stood between 10-12 billion crowns. Now the selling price is just under 10 billion.

A check that made late negotiations late was Telia's concern that Bonnier would launch a new Telia-competing television company. However, everything now indicates that Telia has received sufficient assurances that this is not the case.

Following the first revelation of Resume, there was an intense debate about Telia's ownership of 37% and Telias's over the media. Acquisition of Bonnier Broadcasting, which has a turnover of approximately 8 billion euros and employs more than 1,000 people in Sweden and Finland. SVT, SR and educational radios have a turnover of 8.5 billion SEK.

The state is the largest owner of Telia, with a turnover of 80 billion SEK last year and a profit of 13 billion. The state is also defenseless Teracom The state also destroyed Teracom, which achieved a turnover of 2 billion Swedish kronor last year and which generated a operating profit of nearly half a billion.

According to resume sources, Telia 's leadership in today' s business marked a great determination to complete the Bonnier Broadcasting acquisition. Now, the Competition Authority will look into the case
. At the same time, the pressure is increasing pressure on the state to sell its share of Telia.

The text is being updated.

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