The government decided on state aid


UPDATES. The government is now announcing that there will be financial support for farmers affected by the drought.

The drought that has penetrated the country has made too many farmers. Now the government announces that there will be financial support for affected farmers.

The amount of financial support and when it will be paid is not yet determined.

– We will make available financial resources and mainly the lack of food. Our assessment today is that it is a crisis that farmers will not be able to solve on their own, says Sven-Erik Bucht (S), Minister of Rural Development at Agriculture and Rural Development. ATL.

According to Bucht, the details of the bailout will be completed by the end of summer

– According to Sven-Erik Bucht, the design is largely linked to the evolution of the situation

The Farmers 'Farmers' Association (LRF) has already indicated that it would need money to cope with the drought: [19659003] – Will farmers survive while entrepreneurs need efforts? They have higher costs, and already have to obtain higher liquidity in companies, said Palle Borgström, co-chair LRF, earlier this week.

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