The government issues less than Oasmia | THE BUSINESS WORLD


Apealea has not received a statement from the European Medicines Agency as she still has questions about the drug candidate.

Oasmia has not received an oral statement from the European Medicines Agency EMA regarding the Apealea ovarian cancer project this month. for the meeting of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the EEA Committee held this month

The Research-Based Pharmaceutical Society instead received a proposal from the CHMP to answer outstanding questions in the calendar of the standard procedure.

A press release from Oasmia

"Oasmia intends to answer these remaining questions by August 21, 2018," writes Oasmia


Oasmia Facts Fell 35 percent in an initial reaction

However, the executive chairman and grand owner of the company, Julian Aleksov, has reported to the news agency that the message today from the European Medicines Agency EMA would actually be positive for Apealea

"We are positive after this message. It would have better worth that we receive a positive message right now, but we respect the action of the authority.This is not negative or aggravating other than temporal.If this had been negative, the l & # 39; application would not have occurred, so I see this as positive, "commented Aleksov Today, who said that the EMA, or more precisely the group of CHMP experts, has not recommended Apealea.

No problem or complication has been added to the application, says Julian Aleksov. the function (f, b, e, w, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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