
Räven's dwarf worm is found in much of the world. Photo: Johnny Olsson
The dwarf crow's headband was again discovered in a few samples taken in April of this year. The samples were taken from a very limited area in Gnesta, where the infection was already detected in 2013.
The National Veterinary Office, SVA, finds that the infection remains in the area from Gnesta and that it is probably present since the first results
. To determine if the infection has spread in the environment, more systematic collection is required. SVA states that planning for various follow-up of the previous surveillance for dwarf nematode disease has begun.
The Common Dwarf Caterpillar
The Common Dwarf Caterpillar Echinococcus Multilocularis is found in much of the world. The fall in humans is unusual but serious because the disease is difficult to treat. In Sweden, no case of domestic infection has ever been reported. For hunters who handle dead foxes, the National Food Administration advises to reduce the risk of infection:
• Keep plastic gloves to handle the fox and wash your hands with soap and water
• The fox's body should be flared outside or in a well-ventilated room.
• Wet / spray water in the area surrounding the opening of the rectum before incision in this area to prevent eggs from swirling
to dry for a long time before continue the manipulation. Only freezing is not a good option because it could make sure that the eggs can survive.
Dwarf Dog of the Raven Dwarf Caterpillar
If you have a dog that is often hunted or trained in the area, SVA asks you to treat it with a mask containing the prazikvantel substance [19659005YouhavedifficultytreatingyourpetThencontactyourveterinarian
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