The Keyboard: The Volvo XC40 is one of the safest cars in the world


This spring, Volvo XC40 was pointing. In a certain way, anyway, because it was chosen for the car of the jury of the car of the year. For the first time, Volvo won the prestigious competition.

However, XC40 is not ready with prices. When Euro NCAP announces today its crash test of the XC40, it is among the five best cars of the last three years in terms of adult protection. In other categories, the XC40 offers good protection – 87% of unprotected road users 71% and 76% of driver support systems.

– The new XC40 is one of the safest cars on the market. Malin Ekholm, head of the Volvo Cars Safety Center, continues:

– It offers as standard the widest range of safety technologies among all the small tires on the market, helping the driver detect and avoid collisions, to stay safe and to reduce

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Euro NCAP has developed its test system and now it is harder than ever. More demanding safety challenges, including sensors for automatic braking systems and maintenance of emergency lanes. Of all the cars tested in the new system, the Volvo XC40 achieved the highest safety score.

The final result of Euro NCAP was, of course, a maximum of five stars for the XC40

good news for anyone who wants safe cars. Almost as high as the XC40 and 5 stars in the final category.

– It is gratifying to see manufacturers in the high-end market meet the rigorous new requirements introduced in 2018. Using technology that saves lives, says Michiel van Ratingen, the boss of the Euro NCAP [19659002] . The XC40 model tested was D4 AWD Momentum. For Ford Focus, Euro NCAP chose to test 1.0 "Trend" LHD. Both were the 2018 annual model.

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