The majority of Stockholmmen wants to introduce bans of begging


Last year, a local begging offer was passed in Vellinge – but the ban was lifted and the case is under review by the Supreme Administrative Court.

After the debate, Vellingeborna said: At the same time, the debate took place across the country and now another survey was conducted in Stockholm, which shows that even a majority of Stockholmmen want to see it.

55% want a ban

– Opinions have clearly fluctuated since we started asking questions about begging three years ago. Then a majority thought that it would be permissible to beg. Compared to last year, however, there is no major change, says David Ahlin, head of the Ipso opinion at Dagens Nyheter.


87 percent of KD voters want to see a ban

Among S voters, 43 percent want to see a ban while 16 and 18 percent respectively in the electorate electors and deputies.

In the case of alliance parties, four-fifths of those who support moderates like coskå want a ban, while C voters are 43% who want a ban. In KD voters, the figure is significantly higher, 87 percent.

Seven in ten do not give money to beggars

The survey also shows that fewer stockholmers give money to beggars than three years ago.

Seven out of ten do not give money at all. Three years ago, that figure was just over half.

– Much less want to give money. One assumption is that many prominent politicians, including the prime minister, have said that beggars should not be given money. I think it could be important, "David Ahlin told Dagens Nyheter.

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