The Postnord faces the pressure: "We are ready"


The so-called Kinapakket is still at a low level compared to the volumes of the previous year. Peter Hesslin of Postnord does not expect any dramatic increase from Black Friday. – The March tax has removed this brilliant behavior, I am quite convinced.

"I do not think there will be a dramatic increase on the part of third countries," says Hesslin in Postnord, before the intense period ahead of the weeks following Black Friday. Stock Photography.picture: Emil Langvad / TT

Delivery times have improved since the chaos of March, when Postnord introduced a 75 SEK tax for all shipments from non-EU countries.

"There is no doubt, even if it is not totally flawed, because there is a lot of manual work," says Peter Hesslin, Solutions Manager at Postnord Sweden.

After the introduction of the tax, the number of shipments from third countries has dropped considerably, from about 100,000 to 10,000 parcels a day. After that, volumes increased gradually – but are still a quarter higher than the previous year.

Peter Hesslin feels safe for the intense weeks ahead of Black Friday, a shopping and reading day on November 23.

"I do not think there will be a dramatic increase in third countries, and even if it would increase by one hundred percent, we will do it because we are already at low levels," he said.

It was at the moment when the VAT rules were tightened when Postnord introduced the tax.

Previously, it was incumbent on individuals to declare VAT on goods of an amount less than SEK 200, but when Customs decided that it now belonged to the Postnorth Administrative Council, the administrative burden was going to increase.

Hesslin believes that the tax and the fact that no one is now without VAT alter the Swedish demand for cheap products from Asia.

Ships have an average value of 50 to 60 crowns. With VAT and taxes, they will be more than twice as expensive.

"The purchase can buy something for 10-20 crowns with delivery within a week and at no extra cost, it's extremely nice," Hesslin says.

"But now it means a few more problems, which has removed this brilliant behavior, I am quite convinced.

On the other hand, he believes that bids could increase if Postnate included more agreements similar to that of the US e-commerce website Wish.

Since last summer, Wish handles VAT directly at the time of purchase. Postnord has therefore dropped the administrative fees for shipments from this location.

"Wish has increased sales since this solution was introduced in June, and if it depends on us, we can see a further increase, even though I do not see a major drama," said Hesslin.



According to the new Customs Law of 2016, all parcels from third countries are subject to VAT from the First Crown, normally 25% of the value of the goods.

Previously, it was incumbent on individuals to declare VAT on goods of less than SEK 200, according to a practice in force between Customs and Postnord.

But when Customs decided it would be PostNord's responsibility, the administrative burden grew. By 1 March this year, around 100,000 parcels would be processed manually, after which Postnord introduced an administrative fee of 75 SEK for goods below 1,500 SEK.

This means that anyone who buys a product at the price of 100 SEK can pay 200 SEK, including VAT and administrative costs.

Postnord sees no difficulty managing the busy week of Black Friday, which starts on November 23, as the volume of third-party packages has dropped from 100,000 to 25,000 per day.

However, to handle the higher number of parcels, Postnord levies a fee of 4 SEK per shipment between 15 November and 31 December, whether the parcel comes from a EU, Swedish or EU country. A third country.

Source: Postnord

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