The price of diesel is lowered | ATL


The price of diesel is now reduced from 15 öre to 15.66 kronor per liter

Leading gasoline companies lower the price of gasoline to 25 öre per liter. After the reduction, the target price for a liter of 95 octane gasoline in inhabited stations is 15 hours 71.

The price of diesel is reduced from 15 ¶re to 15:66 kronor per liter. Ethanol costs as much as SEK 10:46 per liter

The declines follow a sharp drop in prices on the world price of crude oil.

Increased yesterday – lowered today

Prices for diesel and gasoline rose rapidly. Yesterday, the two prices were raised, the 20-cylinder dies and the 15-liter gasoline. After the day's cut, the diesel was thus five pounds more expensive and the petrol ten pounds cheaper than a week ago.

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