The proposal: ban all meat in restaurants – News in Halmstad – 24 hours a day


It is this week that the National Food Administration has issued a new council on food and school supplies. In particular, you suggested more green meat and less meat.

Now Christiana FigueresThe former match against the UN climate went further. She wants the meat workers to be treated the same way as the smokers in the pub.

"They want to eat meat, do they have to do it outside the restaurant," she says, according to SVT.

It was during the technical conference Websummit in Lisbon while Christiana Figueres presented the proposal to ban meat in restaurants in the future.

"I like to think outside the box – what about restaurants in 10 or 15 years to start treating carnivores in the same way as smokers?" They want to eat meat They can do it outside the restaurant, and here we do not eat meat, says Christiana Figueres, according to SVT.

Christiana Figueres was among others responsible for negotiating the 2015 Paris Agreement, during which countries around the world agreed on a new climate agreement that binds all countries and will start from here 2020.

This was because of the question of how to solve the future food supply as proposed by Figueres. It notes that 80% of the total land area used for food production is used for meat production, while only 20% is used as herbicides for human consumption.

Robert Opp, director of the organization World Food Programagrees with Figueres' ideas, but at the same time stresses that wine consumption is one of the biggest problems in the food supply.

– A third of the world's food is thrown away. This applies to both rich and third world countries. It's an incredible waste of food. According to Robert Opp, consumer behavior must change, according to SVT.

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