The race for Facebook continues – News (Ecotourism)


Social media giant Facebook announced last quarter its quarterly report for the second quarter. Despite the biggest profit in the company's history, expectations have been lost and stocks have fallen dramatically.

In the quarterly report of Facebook the company made a profit of $ 5.1 billion and revenues of more than $ 13 billion. Increases compared with the same period last year but at the same time as expected

In addition, we can see a slowdown in the number of active users on the platform

L & # 39; Mark Zuckerberg's empire is shaken by a historic course. Dark future was painted by Facebook management. The report says that the costs are related to the increase in confidentiality requirements in the EU and the management of scandals that scare users.

on disputed dissemination of user data to now abandoned political consultant Cambridge Analytica and that Facebook, according to US authorities, was used as a tool for organizations with links to Russia to influence the Results of the US Presidential Election in 2016. [19659003TheFacebookSalesRecoveryhasbeensuppliedfromthebottestCriterionoftheCanadianQuarterlyResidenceSaleshaveincreasedby42percentto$132billionoverthenextyearHoweverthegrowthintheyearwillbeabout30percent

And regardless of whether it measures on the month or the daily Facebook users, the company is waiting for expectations.

Which particularly shocks on the business market. The operating margin fell to 44% in the second quarter, up from 47% a year earlier. And over the next two years, it will continue to come down to about 35%, warning corporate finance director David Wehner.

Other major Internet actions, like Amazon, Netflix and Google, have been reduced in the waves of Facebook. Canada the number of daily users was the same as in the previous quarter and in Europe, the number of users declined slightly. North America and Europe are Facebook's most important markets and the message on the slowdown and Facebook's forecasts for more modest growth in the future have resulted in a sharp drop in the market American fellow after exchange.

Carl Armfelt at Swedbank Growth will continue.

– Looking at the report itself, this is not the finished game. Carl Armfelt

When the US Stock Exchange opened its doors, Facebook's share fell by 18 percent, a loss of more than $ 1,000 billion and in its terms. According to Bloomberg, Bloomberg is the biggest decline in value for a company in the history of the United States.

Technology companies have also accounted for a large share of stock market increases recently, with several analysts pointing out that concerns about Facebook could spread. Carl Armfelt says that this is not impossible, but he adds that companies in the technology industry generally have more unique products and are therefore more isolated than industrial firms, for example

– Companies are more specialized and vertical oriented. And when they worry like Facebook, it's not always possible that all other companies in the sector are experiencing a difficult quarter. It's a little more corporate independence, says Carl Armfelt.

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