The rental of office space in the most attractive places of Stockholm is record


Stockholm is often put forward as a start-up city, and the city is daring in various city lists with a good climate for startups. Yesterday we saw that Stockholm qualified for the tenth position when Navitas Ventures ranked the top cities for companies in the education sector.

But there are certain factors that can put the wheels in the way of businesses that want to succeed in Stockholm. According to Sveriges Radio, office rents for the most attractive addresses are at record levels.

"I do not think anyone has subscribed 10,000 SEK per square meter per year, but let's say that they are between 8,500 and 9500 Mats Hederos, CEO of AMF Fastigheter, on Swedish Radio

The average rent of offices in the center of Stockholm was SEK 6,500 per square meter per year in 2017 according to Pangea Property Partners According to Sveriges Radio, there was an increase in rents as the offer The vacancy rate was now around 2%, according to Tor Borg, analyst director of real estate adviser JLL, the rental developments in Stockholm have progressed much faster than in others. European countries. "19659002" Stockholm has experienced the fastest rental trend in Europe over the past two years – three years.The development has been so powerful that we are looking at rental rates in the center of Stockholm, so the rent is twice as expensive as if we were to compare ourselves to Copenhagen, Berlin or Amsterdam or any other city, "he says [1965/007] if (App.config.debug) console.log (" Loading Facebook SDK. AppID: 1525273121070161 ");
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