The Riksbank wants to create an electronic crown


1. What is an electronic crown?

– It's a digital currency, unlike banknotes and paper and metal coins. And the idea is that if the Riksbank and Riksdag then decide, this electronic crown will be complementary to banknotes and coins.

2. Well, there is no decision that this will happen?

"No, the Riksbank wants to create a pilot project, a prototype if you wish, to see how such an electronic ring can work.The pilot project is supposed to last about two years and it is only after 2020 that the e -couronne can become reality.

Read more: The Riksbank will generate an e-crown

3. But what is the point of the Riksbank publishing an e-crown? There are, for example, private options for digital payments, Swish and Izettle.

"Sweden is the country of the world, or at least among advanced economies, where the use of cash has decreased the most Since 2010, the amount of cash in circulation has decreased by half and the Riksbank fears that in the end, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to use cash.

"At the same time, the Riksbank stresses that the state for hundreds of years – and the Riksbank for 350 years – has guaranteed the payment system.This has happened in the past by issuing banknotes and coins and now it's time to see if the Riksbank will issue an electronic crown that will provide an alternative for all members of society.

4. How should it look? Should we have a Riksbank card in the wallet next to all the others?

"What it should look like is exactly what the pilot project will do, which technical solution is the best.

5. Is the question controversial?

– Perhaps. One question that will surely be stolen and impregnated is what interest, if any, you can get through e-kronor in their account.

"But this is only a question: the fact is that the Riksbank has so far had few answers about the operation of the electronic crown in everyday life.That is what the pilot project will decide.

"It is also necessary to amend the Riksbank Act to implement the project, and during this process a number of problems will arise which may be an obstacle.

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