The robot can answer the phone when you seek care.


Artificial intelligence has started to be used in several places in the health sector, especially in the Västra Götaland region. There is a project in the field of public health in which dental X-rays are automatically classified by IA. Thus, caries, dental bone changes and other diseases can be detected.

In the NU health center, there is a project on AI in mammography and at the hospital in Borås, a project on AI and sepsis, intoxication by the blood.

"The survival rate has been increased and the costs reduced," said Tony Johansson (MP), vice president of the Health and Care Agency (HSS), on the sepsis project.

Construction work is also underway in a national center of IA at the Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg. HSS had information about Amnesty International at its last meeting and the politicians now want to go deeper into the issue.

"We have several good projects in the area," Tony Johansson said.

There is also a preliminary study in which Amnesty International will be able to help assess the severity of a person's illness, namely self-assessment.

"You may think that when you call 1177, before you reach a nurse, you will be able to answer 20 to 25 questions that will allow the nurse to make the correct assessment, which will enable you to activate. Instead of listening to music or silence, you get assistance while you wait.We think it can provide better quality and increase security.According to Tony Johansson, it is sometimes possible to give advice on self-sufficiency when it is better than going to a health facility.

This is not available today in 1177, but with some health care information abroad and also with some private providers.

"We are not ensuring such a performance in public health care and we need to improve," said Tony Johansson.

Inera, owned by municipalities, regions and county councils in Sweden and behind 1177 Care Guidance, is hosting a seminar entitled "AI and automation of future care – November 21, when will Career Guide 1177 become a robot ? ". The invitation indicates that Vargudiden's 1177 services are being developed for greater self-service, primarily through automation, but also, in the long run, from artificial intelligence . There are also examples of "how the 1177 Nursing Guide can be developed into a digital nurse".

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