The role of school in drug adhd is examined


In some parts of the country, one in ten boys aged 10 to 17 is a diabetes medicine, in others it is less than 3%.

Low-educated children or low-income families are more likely to have a diagnosis of ADHD. But in a new report, the National Council of Health and Social Welfare says that psychosocial or socio-economic risk factors alone can not explain the differences.

– Now we can exclude it. These are also other factors, "said Peter Salmi, an investigator with the National Board of Health.

The conclusion is drawn after studying how many drugs for ADHD are printed in different municipalities.

– In areas of the country where prescriptions are high, everyone, regardless of their income level, prescribes more drugs for ADHD. Therefore, there is something else that makes the prescription level the same, says Peter Salmi.

The role of the school

Other factors affecting access to skills and resources for treatment vary, which can result in long delays, which affects the prescription. It is also true that ADHD is more common in some places than others. But it is not enough to explain the main regional differences.

One theory that the National Health Council now wants to explore further is whether the environments in which children and youth live, and which are common regardless of the income level of parents, can have an impact.

"We will consider the school, for example, the health of students can work in different ways in the country.This may also concern your staff and your knowledge on ADHD," says Peter Salmi.

"One thing to consider is whether some schools are able to adapt the environment to children who have the problem better than other schools," Salmi said.

Not all offered

There may also be differences in clinical practice, for example, the frequency with which a diagnosed drug is offered to a child.

"Looking at the whole kingdom, we know that about 25% of patients do not start drug treatment after diagnosis, we want to see what it looks like between regions," Salmi said.

The number of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD has increased over the last decade. It is estimated that the state affects about five percent of all children. Although prescriptions are significantly higher than in some parts of the country, the National Board of Health does not want to mention that unnecessary medicines are needed for children.

– The boys are old enough to go to school, where we are at a slightly higher level than expected. But we're not really here to talk about drugs, "Salmi said.

The report is a partial report of a government mission. The final report will be in May of next year.

Facts: Adhd

Adhd stands for attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder.

It is a deviation from early childhood development with predominant symptoms: lack of attention, difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsive deficit.

The number of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD has increased over the last decade. It is estimated that the state affects about five percent of all children.

Adhd is more common in boys than in girls.

Untreated treatments can lead to psychiatric problems, abuse and anti-social development in adolescents.

The survey should be conducted by a team of several specialists and the treatment should not only consist of a drug, but should be accompanied by psychosocial and educational efforts.

Source: Nationalencyklopedin, County Council of Uppsala County and many others.

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