The secret is over – here is the new electric truck


The Swedish Einride launches his second vehicle. The self-propelled T-log electric truck will transport the wood alone.

The car has already been presented briefly during a smuggling launch in Stockholm. But now the secret is over. Thursday, T-log is officially launched in Britain

– With the T-Log, we come out of an explored area – a demanding but massive, untapped market for electric power and electricity. self-driving, "said Robert Falck, general manager of Einride.

According to Einride, the forest industry accounts for 20% of business transportation in Sweden. The company states that it is already "for discussions" with several major companies around the world. The hope is that the wooden car will be introduced on public roads in 2020.

The T-log should be self-piloted at level 4 of the SAE scale from 0 to 5. This means that the wagon is completely self-propelled in most situations. 360 degrees around the vehicle

It has no cabin but can be remotely controlled by an operator for a very long distance thanks to the security technology developed by US Phantom Auto.

Einride think that there are several advantages that the car has no cabin. The vehicle benefits from greater flexibility, lower production and operating costs and increased load capacity.

– The cab is what makes trucks expensive to produce, drivers are what makes them expensive. By replacing the cab with sensors and computers and replacing the driver with an operator who can monitor and control multiple vehicles at once, costs can be significantly reduced, "says Robert Falck


More powerful than the precursor

The vehicle is equipped with the Nvidia Platform Drive software for autonomous control based on artificial intelligence. Based on information about the environment and the learning of the machine, it moves the vehicle forward.

An intelligent operating system developed by Einride provides the T-Log with real-time traffic data to avoid congestion. The same system can coordinate T-log fleets to optimize delivery time, battery life and energy consumption to make transportation as efficient as possible.

The T-log should only work with batteries. The vehicle is 50% more powerful than the first Einride product, the electric T-pod truck. While T-pod has a capacity of 200 kWh, T-log has 300 kWh

During its use, the T-log does not release greenhouse gases or nitrogen oxide [19659003] – Heavy road transport accounts for a large share of global CO2 emissions. Add to that that tens of thousands of people die each year of toxic particles from diesel combustion and that you have every reason to look for a sustainable alternative, "says Robert Falck

T-log seven meters long.

Carrying capacity: 16 tons

Extent of load: more than 20 miles

Width: 2.55 meters

Height: 3.56 meters

Length: 7,34 meters.

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