The surgeon has operated poorly five times – a young bleed brain


Last year, a young person under 18 years of age needed care after having a shunt problem, writes SVT Västerbotten. A shunt is a pressure-relieving catheter placed in the brain to serve as a link between the blood vessels.

The patient was operated on urgently, but later suffered headaches. The doctors then found that the patient had bleeding and a cerebral infection.

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Failed five times

The problem occurred after the surgeon lost the shunt to the brain. For a month, the same surgeon performed four more operations on the patient – but failed each time.

In connection with the surgeon's malpractice, the young parents asked that the surgery be performed at another hospital, but were told that the numbers were insufficient during the summer.

However, before the sixth operation, another surgeon was allowed to perform the operation. This time, we also used neuro-navigation technology – a computerized navigation system to control instruments related to the patient's anatomy – and the operation was successful.

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Criticism of the IVO

During the period of failed operations, the patient suffered from several brain haemorrhages and mental disorders and was exposed to radiation from a dozen radiological examinations.

Now, the surgeon is criticized by the IVO, the Inspectorate of Care and Care, for not giving the patient "specialized health care."

After the incident, the hospital set up a new routine in which neurosnavigation is used in similar interventions.

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