The Swedes are unleashed around a new treasure: "stupid politicians" – News in Halmstad – 24 hours a day


On Wednesday, the Riksdag will take decisions on the current radio and television fees that all households pay with a television receiver each year and amount to 2,400 SEK per household.

As we wrote previouslyit is likely that the current tax will be removed instead of being taxed by anyone over the age of 18 with taxable income, whether or not you have a television set at home.

It is proposed that the new tax be SEK 1 300 per person per year for all Swedes earning more than SEK 13 600 per month. If the proposal is accepted, the subscription will begin to be deducted for every month starting January 1, 2019.

Swedish reactions I did not expect it and, despite the fact that many people are positive about the proposal, they are also very critical. After posting articles on the proposal at the end of last week, readers commented on Facebook.

The criticism that emerges is mainly due to the fact that many consider that it is unfair to pay for radio and television that they neither listen nor watch themselves.

"Fucking politicians! Absolutely rude! I can handle them without them, they can not do it without me !!" wrote a disgruntled reader.

"Soon, I'm laughing in this damn country, I hope more people will love … Dax for change!", commenting on another.

"Let the communists pay for their crazy programs themselves to force us to pay others for a service we do not want …" wrote a third reader.

At the same time, many emphasize that they consider that it is more fair to spend money on SVT, SR and UR in taxes, since many viewers are currently not paying the fees.

"Good, no fucking snow coats that can go back to school.", writes a person.

"But god what good and really at the moment !!!!" writes another reader who is in favor of the proposal.

"I think it's great! Pay a fee for TV right now, even though I do not have a TV, but I'm watching SVT, SVTplay and URplay, so that's nothing more than just advertising-funded TV is nothing I want! " write a third.

If the new tax becomes a reality, low-income seniors may benefit from the change in law, while sambos and families with several adult children in the household may be forced to pay more.

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