The Tobii eye management company falls on the report


Tobii Dynavox – See the information sheet below for the division of business – showed a continued positive trend in the second quarter.

Dynavox sales growth with 8% adjusted for the foreign exchange business is a clear effect of the increase "The volume growth we observed in the first quarter has further increased and overall we We gave more than twice as many votes as at the same time last year, "says Henrik Eskilsson, CEO of the company. [19659002MinancialgrowthofthemarchennustappearedbytheLatestReleasewasabout25%thefirsthourfollowingthefundingmarketThefacilitatecreasedwhichtheTobartitewasincreasedby5percentofaccount

Dynavox's operating margin rose to 11 percent in the second quarter, which is 1 percent better than the same quarter in Last year. "Basically, we have a very strong and competitive product portfolio, our eyetracking glasses have continued to be bestsellers while our premium eyetracker Tobii Pro Spectrum has shown incredible results." According to Henrik Eskilsson

the growth far outweighed Tobii Pros's long-term financial goals by 15 to 20%, which is in part due to Tobii Pro's success in taking over a large part of the former competitor's customer base.

Profitability Within Tobii Pro, however, a company has been affected by ongoing investments in product development and sales organization, and Tobii Pro's operating margin is 2%. %, compared to -3% for the same period last year


  • Tobii Dynavox address to people with different disabilities who use the technology of the company for interact with an ord

  • Tobii Pro address to researchers and the world of business, mainly in the form of market research out was somewhere in a specific environment that consumers are watching .

  • Tobii Tech is the youngest business area of ​​the company. Here you create consumer products mainly for entertainment and computer games. The company collaborates with computer manufacturers Alienware and MSI, as well as the Swedish Starbreeze, which develops helmets and virtual reality games.

Tobii still loses its losses largely because of development costs within Tobii Tech. The other two areas of activity are already profitable for a while

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