The UN warns: The number of HIV infections is increasing in 50 countries | foreign


A recent UN report indicates that HIV is spreading rapidly in several countries. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the number of infections detected has doubled in the last 20 years.

According to the United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS, UNAIDS, it is mostly through needles that spread the HIV virus in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

In North Africa, the number of new infections has increased by a quarter

The UN warns that the number of new infections has not decreased enough to reach the end of the year. target of less than 500,000 deaths from AIDS by 2020

Last year, about 940,000 people died of AIDS-related illnesses, including more than 100,000 children.

  Eunice Mbanjwa has been working at HOKISA for more than 13 years to care for two children and orphans affected by HIV / AIDS

Eunice Mbanjwa has been working for 13 years at HOKISA, Homes for Kids in South Africa. It is an organization that provides homes for children who have been orphaned by AIDS. South Africa belongs to the most affected countries
Eunice Mbanjwa has been working for HOKISA for more than 13 years as a caregiver for two children and orphans affected by HIV / AIDS
HIV, AIDS, South Africa

Four out of five HIV-positive pregnant women have access to drugs that prevent transmission of the virus to the fetus, but 180,000 infants have been infected with HIV during breastfeeding. It is well above the United Nations target of less than 40,000 children until 2018.

– Entire regions are under development. The great progress we have made on the situation of children does not seem to be ending. Women are still suffering the most. There are not enough resources for commitments, and vulnerable groups will continue to go out, "UNAIDS Director Michel Sidibé said in a statement.

There is also good news in the report.In 2017, 2.3 million people had access to brake drugs.

The number of infections also clearly decreases in areas where AIDS has touched most human lives, namely eastern and southern Africa, where the number of infections has decreased by a third in the years 2010.

situations where he will protect himself from HIV For example, about half of the sex workers in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Malawi live with the infection.

Worldwide, about 40 million people live with HIV and only half have access to health care and medication. urgency, reports the report.

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