The University of Uppsala receives 96 million people – Uppsala


Next year, the Cancer Fund will share the largest funding ever: nearly 630 million Swedish kroner. The University of Uppsala receives a significant share of the cake, 96 million crowns.

The largest grant among all researchers is Christer Betsholtz, affiliated with the University of Uppsala. He receives a project budget of 2.5 million Swedish kroner per year for three years. In addition, he receives an additional budget of 4 million Swedish kroner per year for three years.

"Thanks to this money, we will be able to better understand how drugs are blocked by the blood-brain barrier, thus creating the conditions for a better treatment of the most aggressive form of brain tumor," says Christer Betsholtz, professor of cancer and vascular biology, in a press release.

Christer Betsholtz is leading a research project on glioblastoma – the most aggressive form of brain tumor in adults. The average survival rate is less than two years for people diagnosed with glioblastoma.

– Each year, more than 1,300 primary tumors are diagnosed in the brain and other nervous systems. In 2016, 591 people died as a result of a brain tumor. We hope that this research will enable us to make decisive progress and that we must save more, "Klas Kärre, Chair of the Cancer Fund Research Committee, said in a press release.

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