They are at greatest risk of basal cell cancer in the skin


Basal cell cancer is the most common form of skin cancer. Traditionally, people working outside have been particularly affected, but recently there has been a change.

The greatest risk of basocellular cancer now applies to the interior. Lawyers, dentists and doctors are now more than 2.5 times more likely to suffer than farmers, foresters and gardeners, reports a report of the Scientific Council for UV Issues of the Radiation Protection Authority

"Not completely surprised"

– This, "says Pernilla Grinnemo, director of the Skin Clinic at Ryhov County Hospital in Jönköping.

Being killed by basal cell cancer in the skin, but it causes a lot of pain and suffering.

Greater UV Index in Thailand

According to Pernilla Grinnemo and the report of the Radiation Protection Authority, the cause is probably the shocking sunbathing that takes place during free time during sunbathing. According to the authority, the UV index is, for example, higher in winter in Thailand than during a sunny summer day in Sweden.

– It is worth noting that the UV Council pointed out in the annual report that more aware of the risk of skin cancer than before, other information is needed, "says Jan Lapins, doctor Chief at Karolinska University Hospital and member of the Scientific Council for UV Issues of the Radiation Protection Authority.

Listen to Sol-Britt Lonne Rahm tell us which spots are dangerous and what you can do to protect your skin. Photography: SVT
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