They are forced to work during the holidays


The summer is here and with time for much needed rest. In any case, that's what it should be. However, the reality is often different.

One in four officials in Jönköping felt compelled to work on vacation, according to a survey conducted by Novus on behalf of the Union.

Recovery Time

– The holidays will be a moment of recovery. A great responsibility lies with the employers, "said Peter Hellberg, First Vice President of the Union.

There is a clear link between income levels and vacation jobs; the more you earn, the more you are According to the survey, it is also much more common for managers to spend part of the holidays in front of the keyboard.

At the same time, a survey shows that Visma has created eight small entrepreneurs on ten online and work during the holidays.High Web Services.The vast majority of small businesses in Jönköping claim to have confidence that their data is secure when they connect to the business system via the network. [19659007] – Modern technology has never been easier to manage than a business.Being able to work where and when you want, makes it easier to combine jobs and vacancies. ts, both during holidays and everyday life, "says Boo Gunnarson, business expert at Visma Spc.

Small business owners continue their activities. The survey shows that a large majority of the country's small business owners, 80 percent, will be connected during the holidays, including responding by email and phone.

Nearly every other 46 percent say that they will work and track their activities every day during their holidays.

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