They take more than 15 of Rör & Värme


Newly launched Uddevallabolaget Pipe & Heating in the West is from July a new member of the chain of comfort after the bankruptcy Rör & Värme in the same city.

The new company is owned by Tobias Florén and Patrick Olson through Leeward KI Holding, according to a press release from Comfort. Both have already belonged to other companies in the construction sector.

– They wanted for a long time to complete a piping company. They were considering acquiring Rör & Värme before the bankruptcy, but gave up and never let any offer, said Pontus Hallbäck, CEO of Pipe & Heating in the West, at the Plumbing Forum.

Read more: After the bankruptcy, the representatives of the new company organized a meeting with the staff of the bankruptcy company. Some of the total of about 25 had already been used by other companies.

– We offered them a job who wanted to join us. We initially employed about 15 people and we aim to become two, three in the relatively near future. Most of them begin in August, says Pontus Hallbäck.

It is mainly pre-educated plumbers, but also some apprentices. Linnéa Heimann, Financial Director of the Bankruptcy Society, Continues in the New Society

– We get a good mix of old and younger people. What we believe we can bring is the ability of the company to work, and we hope to create a culture and a value base based on employee responsibility and commitment, says Pontus Hallbäck. .

Read more As a result, Torpheimerbolaget goes bankrupt

Rör & Värme i Väst also takes over most of the cars from bankruptcy

– We take a dazzling departure with all tools. We are operational this week, although not everyone has yet started, says Pontus Hallbäck

However, some current contracts or other commitments do not take control of the new company.

– We start from scratch, but we offered to hire the staff to some of the contractors in the ongoing projects to help them, says Pontus Hallbäck.

The activity of the new company will essentially be the same as Pipe & Heating Ocean with Contracts and Services

– We will work for tenant associations, municipalities, businesses and individuals. Among other things, we will offer full bathrooms with us as an entrepreneur, says Pontus Hallbäck.

Parts of the retail trade still exist.

– We will not have interior details like hooks, without wider and overall parts of a bathroom. In addition, we will sell heat pumps.

The membership of Comfort contributes to the startup of the company, explains Pontus Hallbäck

– This creates a lot of simplicity to be a member of Comfort who is a serious player. Initially, for a small business, we believe that it is difficult to get the time needed to negotiate all the agreements themselves. In addition, Comfort is a well-established name that creates credibility. The chain management system is also very sensible.

To find out more: One of the largest members of Comfort leaves the chain

Pontus Hallbäck is essentially a carpenter and then obtained a degree in economics. Four years ago, he started his own management, sales, marketing and business development activities.

– It is in the ownership of Multimontage that Rör & Värme i Väst takes possession of premises built for trade and offices. is in the same area as the bankruptcy company.

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