This is the new generation of Porsche Macan


Porsche Macan is built for the same reason as the Audi Q5, but has been refined and improved. The focus on the new generation is comfort and connectivity, but the design has also changed.

One of the biggest differences is that the touch screen of the car has gone from 7 to 11 inches. In addition, intelligent voice control and a new connected navigation system will provide real-time traffic information. The larger touch screen has moved and moved the air emissions.

Another new technology is an electric heated windshield and an ionization plant that cleans the air inside the cabin. Both are optional. A new traffic jam helps the car to be self-propelled in traffic jams at speeds of up to 60 km / h.

READ MORE: All of our Porsche car tests

First released in China and then in Sweden

Several changes were made to the design, in order to make Macan more sporty and modern. A modified chassis will keep driving characteristics but will increase stability and comfort. The front has been changed to look wider and the headlights are equipped with LED technology. A variety of new colors are also offered on the lacquer.

No Swedish price or launch date for the new generation is currently available, as it is being launched for the first time in the Chinese Macan market. The additional versions and markets will be up-to-date during this year.

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