This year's company in Sweden comes from the west of Norway – P4 Västernorrland


"We did not believe it at all," Mohamad Khanahmadi said when the prize was awarded jointly with the company's gala event at the Stockholm City Hall on Friday night.

Tolkresurs was founded in Härnösand in 2009, but is now headquartered in Sundsvall with customers all over the country providing interpretation services, according to the company's website.

– This is an unlikely business trip that has been done. They are entrepreneurs who dare to embark on a traditional but powerful industry, who dare to adopt and test new technologies to redefine how they create their solutions. At the same time, they bring considerable power and energy to participate in the social debate. These are incredibly worthy winners who have the future for themselves, "said Günther Mårder, CEO of Entrepreneurs, in a press release.

The motivation of the jury for the awarding of the prize for interpretation:

With a lot of humility, awareness of goals and innovation, this year's winner has built a successful business. By having the ability to adapt to rapid changes in the world and adopt new technologies, they generate exceptional growth while creating a cross-border understanding between people.

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