This year's drought may lead to a lack of Swedish meat


In case of drought, there is a risk that the country suffers from a shortage of Swedish meat in the long run. Food shortages can cause struggling farmers to slaughter large herds of animals that would otherwise die of starvation. This reduces the possibility of harvesting new slaughter animals in the coming years.

The Sjöbo slaughterhouse has slaughtering reservations for a long time. Image: Peter Frennesson

Drought hits farmers in Skåne and in many parts of the country in many ways. Poor harvests, among others, have resulted in a significant lack of food, which means that many of them are already taking the winter stock. To save the situation, individuals and municipalities open pastures that are generally not accessible to farmers.

At the same time, the lack of food forces many farmers to reserve months of slaughter in advance when normal usually arrives a few weeks later. until there are more slaughterhouses.

Three men sit and drink coffee in front of the Sjöbo slaughterhouse. Sverker Malmborg, owner of the slaughterhouse, says that they have nothing to do. The pressure of the peasants is greater than usual, but when the animals are well slaughtered, there is nowhere to sell the meat. The stores do not face the increase.

– We are sitting here and surprised. According to Sverker Malmborg, we cut half of what we usually do, but we have ten times more reports.

Sverker Malmborg receives talks from farmers who have already reserved animals for slaughter. . But he can say no in many cases, and some entries need to be moved. The slaughterhouse has a lot of meat in stock and has to sell it to the stores before they can continue to fill it.

– Now we have had discussions with several traders. We offer them a lower price because they also sell the cheapest meat in the shops, that's what we can do now that can have the fastest effect, "says Sverker Malmborg

. [19659000] Peter Frennesson

At Tempo in Blentarp who traded his beef Sjöbo Slakteri for many years, you bought 200 kilos the beef is sold SEK 49.90 per kilo, much lower price than the normal price . Several other stores have announced that they will also start with the lowest price and give priority to Swedish meat sales ahead of imports.

– We must all be helped to help farmers, obviously we are responsible for being a link level. In order for slaughterhouses to get rid of meat so that they can kill more meat, we have to lower the price in the store to reach consumers, "says Gunvor Jönsson, head of meat and thistle in the store. Prices at eight o'clock on Thursday morning and already in the morning, they sold a lot more than usual.

– I paint, I paint and I paint, she says.

Lennart Nilsson who is part of the LRF board of directors, think Every day that approaches some kind of disaster caused by drought.

– At the same time, we have high hopes for consumers and grocery retailers who now give priority to Swedish meat. The desirable situation is that we find so many feeding opportunities that we do not abandon the slaughtered animals that should not be slaughtered. And so we hope the rain. He says that there is a lot of creativity among the farmers, and a lot of ideas to start with the rain.

But if no rain arrives in two or three weeks, the situation becomes very serious, according to Lennart Nilsson

The first step is to address the question of what peasants then do with their animals. At the LRF, it is hoped that slaughterhouses will be able to freeze and store the meat of animals that must be quickly slaughtered. They may then need support from the company because someone has to pay for storage, and most farmers do not allow it. Lennart Nilsson tells us that another option is also the export of animals.

If more animals than expected to be slaughtered, it means long-term lack of Swedish beef in the stores.

– Tell animals that can be slaughtered years are now slaughtered instead. If the mother's animals are removed, the number of calves decreases the following year. Lennart Nilsson

Half as much is slaughtered as usual at the Sjöbo slaughterhouse, they have to sell the goods from the warehouse before they can be resupplied. Magnus Gustafsson believes that public activities such as schools and retirement homes store Swedish meat in their freezers. Peter Frennesson

Lars Jönsson is a farmer and one of those who drink and drink coffee in front of the slaughterhouse. in Sjöbo. He usually sells fodder and hay, but now he has to hamster and save his own animals.

He tells her that he was interviewed by a stockholmer who wanted to buy hay bales, normally the appellant himself had 120 bullets but this year they only have 20 bullets. Many horse owners listen and ask for hay.

– Something has to happen quickly, we have to slaughter the animals so the food will not run out in March. Then we may have to slaughter many more animals that are just corpses and not food, "said Lars Jönsson.

According to him, a lot of help would be if more consumers frozen meat, he himself examined the question and came to the following:

"About five million consumers freeze 10 kilos of meat, each of which is 210 kilos of meat, then there are 238 000 cows who do not need winter foods. 000 tons of food. Freezing 200,000 cattle this fall reduces the risk of killing and destroying 400,000 animals in the spring. "

– I came up with a saying to encourage consumers too:" freezing a cow – saving a horse, "says Lars Jönsson

Farmers have already complained to Sydsvenskan that meat would only be not taken into account if more animals were to be slaughtered, and the risk is that the animals are burned.

– According to Lars Jönsson, it is probably a question of knowing what it will be, [19659006] – So there are those who do not have food, the only logic is to use meat, it's against the whole world The principle that what we could eat should only be destroyed by the slaughter of Sjöbo, says Magnus Gustafsson at the Sjöbo slaughterhouse

At the slaughterhouse of Sjöbo, the meat is allowed to hang five to seven days [19659003] Peter Frennesson

] There are also those who have hope Paul Robertsson is the director general of shopping at Ugglarps Slaughterhouse. They have activities in Trelleborg and Hörby, and have the opportunity to freeze meat for future needs.

– There are many things that speak to the positive in a negative situation. The trade is up and doing what they can, I would say, to increase Swedish meat in the stores and shoot the import, says Paul Robertsson.

He sees a positive trend that opens up for them to sell significantly more Swedish meat. And if something does not happen very quickly, causing the slaughter of many animals in a short period of time, he does not think that there will be any problem to get rid of the meat.

– We see opportunities Farmers should focus on finding opportunities for food and pasture, and then I think we can go a long way together, says Paul Robertsson

Currently, he sees no sign that the animals will come to the end. because they're starving. But he says that if the situation becomes acute, the slaughterhouse will bring these animals to the slaughterhouse, as long as the effort will not be huge.

In recent years, according to Paul Robertsson, Swedish agricultural production has increased.

– When drought has occurred, you will want to reduce your herds and kill more animals, lest the drought will result in insufficient food for all animals.

Without rain the last harvests can be expected for the loss, which may mean that more animals must be slaughtered.

– In the long run, if we are forced to lose weight, we will have an impact on long-term self-sufficiency, says Paul Robertsson.

As Lennart Nilsson of LRF, he says that a reduced number of mother animals gives fewer calves and therefore less access to swedish people. the meat. In this case, the country's self-sufficiency will be reduced and its impact on the climate will be increased to import meat.

– We hope the weather will change in order to avoid losing much more than we would normally do, "says Robertsson. 19659051] [ad_2]
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