This year's vaccine will provide better protection


The flu recovers regularly every winter and is very contagious. Now begins vaccination against seasonal flu. This year's vaccine will provide better protection than before, as the market protects against four influenza strains instead of the previous three years.

"It offers better protection since it protects against several types of viruses," says Malin Bengnér, a contraceptive doctor.

The Public Health Authority estimates that the A (H1N1) virus, known as swine flu, is becoming dominant, as three years have passed since the last wave crossed Sweden.

Photo: Alexandra lock

Free for risk groups

The vaccine is offered free of charge to groups at risk, namely people over 65, people with a chronic disease affecting the heart, lungs or immune system and all pregnant women. The novelty of this year is also that all health professionals are offered free flu shots.

The radiophile Karin Malmsten, 63, belongs to two groups at risk because she had breast cancer and type 2 diabetes. On Monday, she was in place at the Rosenlund health center to receive the spray of the season.

"I had breast cancer at the age of 48 and I had a very difficult treatment against cervical cancer.My immune system was completely fought, so at first I went to the cold of each child, it's been 15 years since I was vaccinated against the flu, she says.

Karin Malmsten is receiving the seasonal influenza vaccine, which protects against four strains of the influenza virus instead of the three from last year.
Photo: Alexandra lock

"So easy and cheap"

Malmsten has suffered from the flu only once during these years and she has trouble understanding how people can choose not to immunize.

"It's such a simple and inexpensive way to protect yourself and the environment," she says.

It was district nurse Anette Albertsson who gave her the syringe and Malmsten noted that it was barely felt.

"I did not even notice that she had finished," she says.

No guarantee

The problem with the flu virus is that it changes and you can never know what causes the most symptoms. But even if the vaccine is not a guarantee of being able to cope completely with the flu, it still gives less serious symptoms, according to Bengnér.

"You can be sick for two days instead of a week and a half," she says.

Even healthy young people may have reasons to take the syringe and then protect sensitive people nearby.

Malin Bengnér is an infectious doctor from Jönköping County. It calls all groups at risk to vaccinate.
Photo: Alexandra lock

Side effects

– Most vaccinated have no side effects of vaccination. However, some may experience redness, tenderness, and slight swelling around the injection site, but in most cases, this occurs within a few days. The only more serious side effect is a severe allergic reaction. It's incredibly unusual, but wherever you vaccinate, you're prepared for it, "says Bengnér.

Best in Sweden

The World Health Organization (WHO) aims to vaccinate 75% of all risk groups, you do not get it today.

– But we shot these numbers. Unfortunately, we have a good breed related to swine flu, says Bengnér.

After all, Jönköping County has for some years been among the best in Sweden for vaccination of people aged 65 and over.

"Last year, we vaccinated 61% of over 65s, which is comparable to 49% of the rate, so we are satisfied, but not completely satisfied, we need to improve – we want to return to 75% , says Bengnér.

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