This year's vaccine will provide better protection against the flu


– It offers better protection, so that it protects against several types of viruses. The problem with the flu virus is that it changes and you can never know what causes the most morbidity. So, the more of them that are included in the vaccine, the better: "Smitjegård, the doctor of infectious care.

Including pregnant women and the elderly

On Tuesday, November 6th, seasonal flu vaccination begins.

The vaccine is offered free of charge to people in the recommended immunization groups, including pregnant women and people over 65 years of age. Even others can take the vaccine but must then pay for themselves.

There is skepticism

But there is skepticism, particularly following the complications of narcolepsy that occurred after the swine flu vaccines.

– The seasonal influenza vaccine is structured differently from the vaccine used for swine flu in 2009-2010. The regular influenza vaccine has been used for over 30 years and millions of doses worldwide and we know you do not develop addiction, says Smedjegård.

But there are also those who have fallen ill despite the flu vaccine and who hesitate or think that it is useless?

– It takes 10 to 14 days before the vaccine protects against antibodies. You are infected with the flu during this period when the risk of getting sick is high.

Influenza vaccines are generally around 25 to 50%. This is not as effective as, for example, the child immunization program, which protects 90 to 95% of cases, says Jan Smedjegård, head of disease prevention. Photo: TSV

"But people who become vaccinated against influenza, even if they are vaccinated, do not usually become as bad as if they had not taken the vaccine.There are also fewer vaccinated people who need to be hospitalized. 'There is no better way to prevent the flu,' says Jan Smedjegård, an infectious disease specialist in Västmanland.

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