TV4: "No shareholder can enter and control the company"


UPDATED.Benner Broadcasting CEO of Casten Almqvist comments on state ownership in Telia, saying that he feels "completely safe" with the future of the telecommunications company. According to the CEO, no cuts are necessary and he hopes that independent journalists will continue to be protected.

Today, it appeared that the environmental affairs between Telia and Bonnier would be completed, provided that they comply with the review of the competition authorities. About the state's stake in Telia, Casten Almqvist, CEO of Bonnier Broadcasting, comments on the company's blog:

– I am absolutely convinced that our journalistic activity will continue to be totally independent of the owner, like today. Telia is fully aware of the importance of protecting independent journalists and our content. It is guaranteed, among other things, that we become our own area of ​​activity. This also applies to Telia, where corporate governance works so that no shareholder can enter and control the company.

Trade Minister Mikael Damberg will meet Telia's board of directors on Friday. He is not impressed by the case, and points out that the last word is not said. A discussion will be held on transmission and competition issues. According to him, it is not up to the state to sell the stake in Telia. In addition, Stefan Löfven said in a comment that the state was not interested in the possession of new terrestrial licenses.

The agreement between Telia and Bonnier is naturally part of the development of global competition, where new giants like Netflix, Amazon, Facebook and Youtube, increasingly expanding on the media of traditional media players.

– The solution for many companies is becoming a major structural activity across the entire value chain. Stores like this are now happening everywhere. So we are not alone, commenting Casten Almqvist

AT & T telecom giant bought Time Warner, a media player, and submitted an offer to several other companies. MTG attempted to merge with the Danish TDC earlier this year, but the latter failed. In July, Telia bought the Norwegian part of TDC.

On the alliance between Telia and Bonnier Broadcasting, he says:

– At Telia, we have a strong technology and distribution owner who can guarantee our long-term commitment to Swedish content in all areas. With Telia, we are now strengthening our "viewer to user" strategy when we combine our different strengths. Users continue to be at the center of everything we do, "commented Casten Almqvist.

According to the CEO, also proposed as CEO of Telia, there is no reduction plan. No such plans, it is not money saving, Telia buys our business because she believes in the collaboration and the new opportunities she creates. "But we certainly know that change in our industry has never been as fast as now.At the same time, we know that in the future, it will never be slower than today. At the press conference held last Friday, Telia's CEO, Johan Dennelind, said that "some key leaders of Bonnier Broadcasting have offered incentives to stay."

If the agreement is approved or no, it should be completed in the second half of 2019.

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