Upplands-Brohus is entitled to litigation against Serneke


The Supervisory Board gives Upplands-Brohus the right not to approve the Bagarvägen and Målarvägen building. Is it the end of a conflict that has allowed to leave new empty homes for a year?

  • Posted 18h08, 30 Oct 2018

Upplands-Brohus has been in conflict with contractor Serneke Bygg since the homes of Bagarvägen and Målarvägen were inspected. As a result, new homes are still empty, one year after the start of occupancy.

During the investigation, Upplands-Brohus discovered that they had not obtained what they had ordered. There are no remarks that tenants would see or notice, but that could have consequences. Houses could be more expensive to manage, so rents would be more expensive for tenants.

Upplands-Brohus hopes tenants will be able to settle soon. Now that the board has done its job and submitted a statement at the request of Serneke Bygg.

"We are very pleased with the result and would like us to sit down and negotiate," said Ann Hermansson Malm, CEO of Upplands-Brohus.

Want to move in immediately

But the committee is not a court.

"Serneke can choose to identify with this case or go to court," says Ann Hermansson Malm.

Göran Viklund, managing director of Serneke, writes in an e-mail that, regardless of the outcome of the committee, Upplands-Brohus had the intention to go immediately to the chambers and that negotiations between the parties would continue .

The parties would have had a meeting on Tuesday, but Serneke canceled. Until now, you do not know when the meeting will end.

"We are very happy to be able to take care of the houses in our possession so that those who have apartments can move in," said Ann Hermansson Malm.

Upplands-Brohus wants to make sure that this is done first, but thinks that Ann Hermansson Malm thinks it can go quickly.

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