Urusel summer for tents | Aftonbladet


Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

Has a stick bitten in the ear as in the picture this summer, you had bad luck.

The heat continues to spread across Sweden – which hits the tents.

It is much too hot and dry to enjoy and many went to bed or die

– Ojojoj, here they do not like! says a fortress expert on the situation.

The past winter was almost ideal for tents. After the tents went to bed, the cold and snow spread like a blanket of insulating snow over them. But the hot and dry summer is not welcome among the little spiders.

– Good winter but ojojoj, they do not like that! It's too dry and hot. It's probably necessary for the public to notice that there are fewer ticks this year, says Kajsa Glemhorn, biologist and fast expert, at TT

and extreme heat has affected the population.

– There are fewer assets now than it is usually a regular summer. But you should be on your guard and know that they are there. One can be unlucky, says Kajsa Glemhorn

Shooting in Active Period

Although fewer of them have suffered this summer, they are still there. That it is too cold or too hot, they will sleep. But the first stage of development of the fortress, the larva, can be affected.

– There are many people to do with this. However, nymphs and the adult stage have the ability to crawl into the soil where there is still moisture. But I think you will see later this year that there are not so many active people, but many have broken up, says Kajsa Glemhorn.

But tigers are accustomed to adapting to circumstances. Just because the sun continues to pass, we will not get rid of it, even this year.

– Those who survive tend rather in their active period, and so we could have a later hunting period: from September to October says Kajsa Glemhorn.

"They are survivors"

Last year, a number of TBE in Sweden were reported, which meant that vaccines were missing this year as demand increased enormously. But just because tigers are hiding now, those who have vaccinated do not think to have done so unnecessarily.

– No, it's a long-term protection that takes a long time to build. The first syringe vaccinated against TBE does not provide adequate protection. That's what you need to fulfill all your life, "says Kajsa Glemhorn

And no matter if fewer ticks would appear this year, we would never eliminate them completely. As it will be hot and dry.

– They can bear most, they are really survivors at your fingertips. They will stay long after we do not trample people here, "says Kajsa Glemhorn

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