Vaccination against seasonal flu begins


Tuesday, next week (week 45) begins vaccination against seasonal flu. The 2018 vaccine in the county will offer better protection than before. Indeed, the vaccine purchased protects against four influenza strains instead of the previous three years.

– It offers better protection, so that it protects against several types of viruses. The problem with the flu virus is that it changes and you can never know what causes the most morbidity. Thus, the more people are included in the vaccine, the better, "says Jan Smedjegård, Smuggling Manager at SVT Västmanland.

The vaccine is offered free of charge to people in the recommended immunization groups. This includes pregnant women and people over 65 years old. Other people who want to be vaccinated can pay for themselves.

Following the 2009 and 2010 swine flu vaccinations, which sometimes resulted in complications related to narcolepsy, many have become questionable about vaccinations. Jan Smedjegård comments:

– The seasonal influenza vaccine is structured differently from the vaccine used for swine flu in 2009-2010. The regular influenza vaccine has been used for over 30 years and millions of doses worldwide and we know you do not develop addiction, says Smedjegård.

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