Volvo Car launches a new brand – M


The new M brand from Volvo Cars will offer an alternative to private ownership of cars by allowing access to cars and services when needed.

New logo M and CEO of Bodil Eriksson

"Volvo Cars takes the step towards becoming something more than a car company. The consumer of today thinks of Traditional car ownership.M is part of our answer.We are developing in service delivery directly to the consumer during our new mission 'Freedom to Move' says Håkan Samuelsson, Volvo President and Chief Executive Officer Cars

Volvo's new mobility brand M will provide consumers with cars and on-demand services through an app, and by answering questions about their needs, the service should be personalized and personalized, rather than being personalized. to be informed about the nearest car

"The services offered today are essentially an alternative to taxi or public transport" Bodil Eriksson, CEO of Volvo Car Mobility. Let's focus instead on how people use the cars they own, we want to offer an alternative to traditional services, which will allow us to live our lives on our own terms. "

Volvo Car Group , Sunfleet, will integrate it into M in 2019.

"The launch of M creates new revenue for Volvo Cars and is part of the company's ambition to create Håkan Samuelsson

Stockholm becomes the base of development of M where tests are already in progress. A major beta test will be launched in the fall.

The service will be launched in Sweden and the United States in the spring of 2019.

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That sounds very exciting.